Product care for your luxury handbag
Designer handbags, such as Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Dior, or Chanel, are known for their quality, luxurious materials and of course, their popular name. Afterall. designer handbags are an investment and regularly cleaning your handbag is key to keeping it in great condition, not to mention helps with the resell value.
Over time, dirt, dust, and grime from its surroundings can collect on your handbag’s exterior and interior. The oils from your skin can also cause the materials to deteriorate and items may spill on or inside of it. Luckily, knowing how to clean your handbag properly can keep your designer bag in like-new condition.
Cleaning your designer handbag incorrectly can permanently damage it and care must be taken. That’s why we’re here to steer you in the right direction.
Designer Handbag Interior Cleaning
Remove your belongings from your handbag.
Flip the bag upside down and shake it to get rid of any loose debris.
Turn the liner inside out and use a lint roller to remove any other dirt or dust.
Go over the liner using a vacuum with the brush attachment to remove any debris you may have missed. Be sure to get into those corners.
Designer Handbag Exterior Cleaning
In time, the exterior of your handbag collects dirt and dust, which can lead to a buildup of residue. The way you clean your designer bag’s exterior will depend on the material it’s made of. Most common are leather and coated canvas which we address below.
Use care and caution when cleaning your bag’s leather exterior. If your bag is made of leather, we recommend using fragrance-free, alcohol-free wipes such as leather wipes or baby wipes, which can remove excess dirt and residue without drying out the material. Wipe down the bag’s exterior with these wipes or spray a leather cleaner onto a microfiber cloth and use it to clean the bag. Then, use a leather conditioner to moisturize the leather material and avoid cracking.
If your bag is made of patent leather, you can use the above methods to clean it. Wipe it down with a soft cloth after you clean it to avoid streaks and splotches. If you see any scuffs on your handbag, you can try to gently remove them with a small amount of leather cleaner applied to a baby wipe.
Canvas, tweed, jersey and satin can typically be cleaned using a lint roller. Use tweezers to gently remove any dirt, dust and debris that are stuck to the fabric. If you see blemishes that need extra attention, lightly spray a baby wipe with OxiClean, and use it to lift the stain. However, We don’t recommend using Oxiclean on satin, silk, or jersey that aren’t black in color because it may leave a cleaner stain.
Fur or Suede
To clean bags made of fur or suede, we recommend using a specialty brush to remove dirt, dust, and debris from its exterior. If there are any stains, gently buff them out with the brush. For fur bags, brush the fur in the same direction that the hair goes. For suede material, gently brush the suede in one direction. Once you’ve cleaned it, use a suede conditioner to revitalize the material.
Polish hardware using a baby wipe, and then dry it with a soft cloth. Occasionally, your bag’s hardware can cause discoloration on the surrounding material. Luckily, this can be removed by gently buffing it with a magic eraser.
If the hardware has started to tarnish and oxidize, use a small amount of metal polish , such as Brasso on a cotton swab to polish it. Be sure to use extreme caution as liquid metal polish can stain the bag’s materials.
How Often Should You Clean Your Designer Handbag?
How frequently you clean your designer handbag will depend on how often you use it. If you use your bag daily, we recommend cleaning it every week. If you use it occasionally, two to four cleanings per year is recommended. In addition, your bag’s handles and its base and corners get the most wear and, therefore, require more attention. We recommend cleaning these areas of your handbag after every use to ensure they don’t deteriorate more than the rest of the bag.
It’s important to keep in mind that the way you clean your designer handbag may vary according to the designer. Some designers use highly specialized processes, and their bags require specialized care and cleaning to ensure they don’t get damaged. You can always refer to the respective company websites for more information about cleaning your specific brand handbag.
Conduct research to find out what the recommended cleaning methods and materials are for your specific bag. If you’re having trouble getting stains out of your bag, or aren’t sure how to do so safely, take your bag to a professional cleaning service for advice or assistance.